Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol primarily for encrypted shell connections. This tag is also used for questions about sshd and openssh, the two standard applications for using SSH.

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Limit maximum concurrent ssh connections per user does not work when shell is /sbin/nologin

I have a Centos 7 server and when I limit the maximum connections per user using the config file /etc/security/limits.conf it works just fine. See below an example of my configuration in that file: @...
Dr developer's user avatar
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Is there a way to control kubectl exec through something like rbac or anything else?

I want to know if I can limit access to developers, we want to only allow developers to list pods and check logs, no ssh into pods, is that feasible ? This is what I tried, but it seems to not work .. ...
logax's user avatar
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Issue with sshd logfile using fail2ban on minimal Ubuntu server 22.04

I am working on trying to get fail2ban set up and enabled for sshd on my VPS with Ionos. I am using a minimal Ubuntu 22.04 server install. fail2ban has installed fine, but getting it to run seems a ...
Sorin Orii's user avatar
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Cannot SSH to link-local IPv6 address on Packet Tracer

due to the fact that I don't have physical equipment at the moment I don't know if what I am about to say is purely an issue with Packet Tracer. I configured a Catalyst 2960 switch to allow for remote ...
Oreoezi's user avatar
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Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE for nonexistent channel 257

I have the same problem with MobaXterm versions 21.x, 22.x and 23.x when connecting to one specific solaris 11.1 SPARC T4 server/LDOM/zone. Authenticating with public key "Imported-Openssh-Key&...
dan's user avatar
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SSH access to my AWS EC2 container

C:\Users\javac>ssh -i "DemoServer.pem" [email protected] The authenticity of host ' ('...
Larry Gray's user avatar
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getting following error on ubuntu 22.04 when trying to ssh into any server. debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY

Very annoying but solved by uncommenting: vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc
Jonni2016aa's user avatar
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server ask for root password after reboot while logging in with ssh key

after rebooting Linux server (centos 7) I'm trying to login with ssh key seems it's successfully loging in but asks to change root password which I've forgotten. Is there a way to bypass changing root ...
sajad abbasi's user avatar
6 votes
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What's the largest string OpenSSH can expand from a % token?

Instead of a traditional authorized_keys file on my server, I'm using a custom key verifier which sshd calls via the AuthorizedKeysCommand option. In the sshd_config, I can specify that this command ...
data princess's user avatar
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File transfers very slow in one direction

I am having trouble debugging a connection issue : Server A (OMV) has a fast internet connection : 900mbps down / 600 mbps up Client B (Windows 10 using wsl) has a decent internet connection : ...
Elerir's user avatar
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Server host key changing frequently

Im trying to connect to my ubuntu server via ssh from Windows. Unlike my another ubuntu server from same dedicated server hosting, the server host key changing frequently. I get WARNING: REMOTE HOST ...
Mreza Nemati's user avatar
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SSH Permission denied (publickey) fails on Ubuntu but succeeds on MacOS

I have two machines, a MacOS and an Ubuntu. I have been working sucessfully on the MacOS, i.e. I can use my public key to connect via SSH to a server. However, when trying to use the same private &...
Richard's user avatar
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How to fix a corrupt server (after upgrade) with chroot in rescue-mode over ssh

First, I'm NOT trying to create a ssh-jail. Here's the situation I decided to upgrade my server from Debian 9 to 12. But now I'm locked out. I went step by step : from 9 to 10, 10 to 11 and 11 to 12, ...
Manumie's user avatar
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ssh to an IP without any local ssh multiplexing/control master

I have configured my ssh (on Linux) to use SSH multiplexing & control master. It's great and speeds things up. But now I want to test a load balancer. How can I ssh to an IP address and not use ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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SSH public key authentication with Powershell

I'm trying to create a SSH connection between my personal laptop running with Windows 11 and Powershell 7.3.9 and my VPS running on Debian 12 (bookworm). I'm not using Putty on purpose. I first wanted ...
mthgn's user avatar
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SSH and SCP not working

I know that this is not really a server error, but I have been having troubles connecting to my servers via SSH. To be perfectly clear, I have verified that the servers' SSH server works properly. I'...
Dimitar Veljanovski's user avatar
-1 votes
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client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset

Sorry if the question is not detail because i never handle a server. I got ssh connection from client with <user>@<ip_address> -p 2233. sometime, i can logged in into that ssh but after a ...
Ivan Tri Septian's user avatar
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SSH config for remote servers using kerberos [migrated]

I connect to my remote server using: ssh -At [email protected] ssh -At [email protected] The following only asks me for a password one time. I do not have any authentication file on my computer, ...
Peyman's user avatar
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ProxyJump asks for the same password twice

For my work, I have to connect to a remote server. The connection is via a simple SSH and with only one password (no authentication file is needed). For more clarity, I connect like this: Do ssh user@...
Peyman's user avatar
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How can I setup 2 VPS can connect without using VPN which those VPS has already setup the ListenAddress to the VPN

I have 2 VPS, and those 2 VPS are setup OpenVPN, and we only can access it by connect to VPN, then ssh it to VPN gateway itself. I set it up from sshd_config by adding ListenAddress. here's the ...
Hakim's user avatar
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Unit sshd.service not found

Good morning to all, I've a problem with ssh. I'm using Ubuntu 23.10, new installation. I've installed openssh-server via sudo apt install openssh-server However, when I try to use something related ...
fede996's user avatar
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How to restrict ssh access only to users within multiple groups?

I would like to know how to allow ssh access to users who are in multiple groups.  For example, in general, if the user is part of the group shell then they may access a number of servers.  However, I ...
AGI-Chandler's user avatar
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SSH connection to the GIT through a jump server with stdin/stdout forwarding

SSH connection to the GIT through a jump server with stdin/stdout forwardingI'm trying to establish a connection from client server (A) to the remote server (C) using an intermediate jump server (B), ...
itnelo's user avatar
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Ec2-Instance-connect ssh to imstance blocked by ssh_exchange_identification

Preamble: aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key --region us-east-1 --availability-zone us-east-1b --instance-id i-0760bc8f6f29xxxxx --instance-os-user ec2-user --ssh-public-key file:///home/...
ArrowInTree's user avatar
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Custom Linux AMI: How does AWS know where to install account SSH .PEM files when an AMI is provisioned?

We are building a custom AMI from a template EC2 EBS instance snapshot (Oracle Linux 8). This page shows there are many different user names depending on the AMI you choose:
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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Error connecting with ssh - external network

I know it's a very discussed topic, but after following lots of tutorials and checking most common troubleshooting problems, I'm facing the following situation We have a small server in the office ...
Pedro Cury's user avatar
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ssh_config capture group (or similar)

I like to namespace (simple prefix) remote servers that share a common network disposition or other logical access/grouping. Is there a way to reference the contents of the wildcard (capture group or ...
robut's user avatar
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Changing the root folder of the ssh server

There are some similar questions but not same. I don't want to change the default folder. so i want to set the ROOT FOLDER for ssh connection. I mean the only folder that the client has access to , is ...
Sina Vasmas's user avatar
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Feeding config into SSH via pipe

I need to make individual ssh connection configuration dynamic. Ideally it should work as follows: #!/usr/bin/env bash ssh -F <(config_provider_command) hostname Many Linux and GNU commands would ...
oᴉɹǝɥɔ's user avatar
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How to redirect ssh port to another port by username?

I have sshd: Listen 2222 on server, and what I want to do is: ssh -p 2222 userA@ip, and server finds userA, then redirects this connect to 6122 port of this server, but I don't want to modify on my ...
freshzy's user avatar
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SSH connection slow after authentication

I have a few servers where SSH'ing into them can take a minute or so before I get a prompt. I connected with ssh -vvv and it hangs after authentication succeeds, so it's none of the usual stuff (...
Daniel Lo Nigro's user avatar
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Firewalld: restrict ssh access to specific IP and allow that IP to access services in the interface zone

The target setup is the following: I want to restrict ssh access to the server to a specific IP, and allow the http service to all. Now, to start from "scratch" I defined a new zone which I ...
Egidio Docile's user avatar
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ssh to the same server of openvpn, tries to connect with original IP instead of VPN IP

I'm using ubuntu Linux 22.04.3 LTS with OpenVPN 2.5.5 and i have ssh server installed there too. i want people to be able to connect to that server by ssh only if they are connected to the VPN. that ...
ufk's user avatar
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Remote Linux server GitHub permission denied publickey issues

I am experiencing publickey permission issues when trying to pull a private repo from GitHub to a remote Linux server. Update Ran ssh -v -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected] command ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Should I run as a docker user, and keep sshd running all the time, or as root but start/stop sshd on demand

I'm creating a docker container that will be used as a reverse tunnel. I'm now looking to harden the solution but I've an interesting dilemma and I'm not sure what the best approach is. Current the ...
Ross Dargan's user avatar
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powershell detect login is sftp

tl;dr in powershell, how can I detect a login is specifically SFTP and not SSH or local? On Windows 10 I have the built-in OpenSSH service running. For SFTP protocol connections, the server uses the ...
JamesThomasMoon's user avatar
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Unable to log in linux server from windows 10 with ssh

Since a few months I can only access the server (Ubuntu 18.04) from my computer (Ubuntu 20.4). Any attempt to access from my other Windows 10 computers gives me an error. From my Ubuntu 20.04 I ...
Carlos Curiá's user avatar
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SSH tunnel to access dual stack resources in AWS (IPv4 + IPv6)

I am trying to setup a Bastion and use it as an SSH proxy to access all my private resources in AWS. I am having hard time debugging why an SSH tunnel to a specific host with dual stack (IPv4 + IPv6) ...
MaesterZ's user avatar
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docker compose fail; SSH to host doesn't work any more

I have a Proxmox-VM on this VM runs Rocky Linux and docker with all basic plugins. Rocky Linux 8.6 (Green Obsidian) Docker 20.10.21 Docker compose v2.12.2 If I try to run the command docker compose ...
Fabian Ende's user avatar
2 votes
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Why on earth would rsync over SMB run nearly five times faster than rsync-to-rsync (over SSH)?

I just modified many files on a 36TB Unraid array (not quite half full yet). Now I want to sync all of those changes up to a backup array using rsync. My usual rsync backup was going a lot more slowly ...
kshetline's user avatar
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SSH with LDAP authentication within a Docker container

Im trying to setup a ssh jumphost with docker that uses LDAP authentication. I'm running the container as rootless. Note: This is all currently as testing but would love to hear some feedback about ...
Janchy's user avatar
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Pubkey authentication not allowing to enter the server

I'm trying to access my server through SSH using pubkey authentication, but it's not working and I don't understand why. I've been around this same issue for 2 days now. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04. All I ...
ludicrous's user avatar
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CopSSH home path discrepancy

We've got a current system running CopSSH v4, and we're implementing a replacement solution on v7. One of the issues we've run into is the home path that the user is presented with when they connect ...
Adam Cline's user avatar
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SSH prompts with wrong host key/fingerprint

Using SSH to connect to a server (running Oracle Linux 7.9) I have set up, and I wanted to replace the original key pair I used with a different one. I am able to connect to the server using the new ...
Retinova's user avatar
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ssh key order changing

I use pam_ssh_agent_auth for authorising And also use for authorising between servers And today I found problem - when I try to svn update , I can't do it, because my svn use ssh+svn:// - ...
SledgehammerPL's user avatar
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How can I Forward traffic through UBUNTU?

I have a Ubuntu Desktop client and two Ubuntu server. Ubuntu servers are two separate VPS in Germany and Netherland. I need to route SSH traffic through Germany VPS, for example; When I run ssh root@...
Mehran's user avatar
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apt sources.list ssh://[REMOTE REPO URL] getting connection timeout

We have created custom package repository for our edge device on the remote server. We have specified the url in sources.list as below sources.list file This link was working fine earlier and we were ...
cgoma's user avatar
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How to disallow multiple outstanding requests on openssh server

The openssh/sftp client has the ability to configure the max allowable outstanding requests with the -R option. Is there something equivalent on the server side of things? I have a client that ...
conorgriffin's user avatar
2 votes
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'Hostname' in ssh client config converts to lower case; however, the 'Host' appears to be case sensitive. Is this intentional?

I have a long hostname with various arguments in my client config, so I created a second Host entry with the Hostname pointing to the long name (see below). Host CT106-LongHost-Name-With-Mixed-Case ...
Glenn Aydell's user avatar
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auth.log errors: kex_exchange_identification: banner line contains invalid characters

I have the auth log with thousands of: error: kex_exchange_identification: banner line contains invalid characters I can't find which process is causing this. How can I troubleshoot it? Using: Ubuntu ...
Ezequiel's user avatar
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