Unanswered Questions

78,239 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
36 votes
1 answer

Unexpected and unexplained slow (and unusual) memory performance with Xeon Skylake SMP

We've been testing a server using 2x Xeon Gold 6154 CPUs with a Supermicro X11DPH-I motherboard, and 96GB RAM, and found some very strange performance issues surrounding memory when compared to ...
17 votes
0 answers

Restoring data after zfs destroy

On Debian 8.7 I had a zfs pool. (obviously using ZFS on Linux, not Oracle or Solaris zfs) It was needed to extend ZFS pool from mirror on 2 disks to raidz on 4 disks. I did backup (one copy of data - ...
16 votes
1 answer

Using defaultAuthenticationType with PowerShell Web Access

PowerShell web access lets you choose the authentication type. By default, it uses a value of Default, which ends up being Negotiate. I have set up CredSSP to allow logging into the PSWA server itself ...
14 votes
1 answer

Parallel Redo Is Shutdown

When looking in Windows event logs, i'm seeing the following messages on an almost continuous basis - Starting up database 'Database'. Parallel redo is started for database 'Database' with worker ...
13 votes
4 answers

Freebsd change default Internet channel route

I have two Internet channel and Gateway on freebsd. When I switch channel with the command route change default chan2, the command netstat -nr shows changed default route. But traceroute shows that ...
13 votes
1 answer

Change Envelope From to match From header in Postfix

I am using Postfix as a gateway for my domain and need it to change or rewrite the Envelope From address to match the From header. For example, the From: header is "[email protected]" and the Envelope ...
12 votes
0 answers

How much does FreeBSD accept_filter actually improve performance in a modern world?

I recently learned about FreeBSD's accept_filter socket option which can allow a worker process to avoid context switching by, for example, waiting until a full HTTP request is received with accf_http:...
11 votes
0 answers

How can a Cognito user initialize TOTP on first login when MFA is required?

I am setting up Amazon Cognito for authentication to use a Kibana instance. I only permit administrators to create users, and I permit only the Cognito User Pool identity provider. When creating the ...
11 votes
2 answers

Disable file locks on a read-only Windows File Share

Case On a Windows Server (2012R2 or 2016), I want to configure a file share offering a following functionality some users, publishers group, have a write access to the share; these users are ...
11 votes
1 answer

haproxy CD flags with browser, not with curl

Issuing the same url request, from the same workstation to the same haproxy server: with a browser (tried Chrome and Firefox): haproxy log shows CD flags with curl: haproxy log shows -- Both ...
11 votes
3 answers

Unable to bind OSX 10.9 to Active Directory 2008

I am struggling to bind OSX 10.9 to a 2008 r2 Active Directory. I can join the domain fine when I boot into Windows from the same machine. From OSX I can find the domain controller successfully and ...
11 votes
1 answer

certutil -ping fails with 30 seconds timeout - what to do?

The certificate store on my Win7 box is constantly hanging. Observe: C:\>1.cmd C:\>certutil -? | findstr /i ping -ping -- Ping Active Directory Certificate Services Request interface ...
11 votes
2 answers

Firefox dynamic default preference configuration

My users are all on NFS home directories and with hundreds of users all using Firefox it generates a bit of traffic reading/writing to the disk cache. As a result, I'd like to move the default ...
10 votes
0 answers

Docker container crashing ubuntu host

Very unexpected, but briefly if i run a docker container host becomes unresponsive, no in/out, can't ping it, only hard reboot works. DMESG, sys and kernel logs doesn't show anything obvious ...
10 votes
2 answers

Changing physical path on IIS through appcmd isn't activated

We have come across an issue on IIS 7.5 where we have a simple deploy system which consists of the following: Create a zip-file of new webroot, consisting of three folders: Api Site Manager This is ...

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